I am a postdoctoral fellow at
DIMACS where I am very grateful to be under the supervision of David Pennock. Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in the Fall 2023 Mathematics and Computer Science of Market and Mechanism Design program. In 2023, I completed a PhD in Computer Science department at Drexel University where I was very fortunate to be advised by
Vasilis Gkatzelis and to be a member of the
Drexel EconCS research group. My primary research interests are algorithmic game theory and approximation algorithms. I was a Research Intern at Google (Mountain View) from June to September 2022, under the supervision of Gagan Goel. Here is my
CV. Unless otherwise noted below, authors are ordered alphabetically as is standard in the computer science theory and economics communities.
- daniel.r.schoepflin [at] gmail [dot] com
Eric Balkanski, Pranav Garimidi, Vasilis Gkatzelis, Daniel Schoepflin, Xizhi Tan
Forthcoming in Operations Research
Michal Feldman, Vasilis Gkatzelis, Nick Gravin, Daniel Schoepflin
Forthcoming in Operations Research
Tomer Ezra, Daniel Schoepflin, Ariel Shaulker
STOC 2025
Shiri Ron, Daniel Schoepflin
AAAI 2025
Vasilis Gkatzelis, Daniel Schoepflin, Xizhi Tan
SODA 2025
Michal Feldman, Nick Gravin, Vasilis Gkatzelis, Daniel Schoepflin
EC 2022
Ioannis Caragiannis, Vasilis Gkatzelis, Alex Psomas, Daniel Schoepflin
AAMAS 2022
George Christodoulou, Vasilis Gkatzelis, Daniel Schoepflin
ITCS 2022
Eric Balkanski, Pranav Garimidi, Vasilis Gkatzelis, Daniel Schoepflin, Xizhi Tan
SODA 2022
Vasilis Gkatzelis, Rishi Patel, Emmanouil Pountourakis, Daniel Schoepflin
SAGT 2021
Artem Baklanov, Pranav Garimidi, Vasilis Gkatzelis, Daniel Schoepflin
IJCAI 2021
Artem Baklanov, Pranav Garimidi, Vasilis Gkatzelis, Daniel Schoepflin
AAAI 2021
Strategyproof Tournament Rules for Teams with a Constant Degree of Selfishness
David Pennock, Daniel Schoepflin, Kangning Wang
A Truthful and Accurate Forecasting Competition Mechanism on Bayesian Network Structured Events
Chun Lau, Daniel Schoepflin, David Pennock (By Contrib.)
Strategyproofness-Exposing Unit Demand Auctions
Daniel Schoepflin, Clayton Thomas, Matthew Weinberg
- Professor - CS 205 (Rutgers University): Introduction to Discrete Structures I (Fall 2024, Spring 2025)
- Professor - CS 618 (Drexel University): Algorithmic Game Theory (Spring 2023)
- Teaching Assistant - New Horizons in Theoretical Computer Science Summer School (Summer 2021)
- Teaching Assistant - CS 521 (Drexel University): Data Structures and Algorithms I (Fall 2020, 2021)
- Teaching Assistant - CS 457 (Drexel University): Data Structures and Algorithms I (Fall 2017, 2018, 2019)
- Drexel University Outstanding Dissertation Award (2023)
- Drexel Computer Science Department Jay Modi Memorial Award (2022)
- Drexel Computer Science Department Leadership Award (2021)
- Drexel College of Computing and Informatics PhD Research Excellence Award (2021)
- Drexel College of Computing and Informatics Teaching Excellence Award (2020)
- Drexel Computer Science Department Werner Krandick Teaching Assistant Award (2019)
- October 2024: I co-organized the Workshop on Simplicity in Mechanism Design at DIMACS
- June 2023: Organized a tutorial at EC 2023 on "Practical Mechanism Design and Bounded Rationality"