Dan Schoepflin

I am a postdoctoral fellow at DIMACS where I am very grateful to be under the supervision of David Pennock. Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in the Fall 2023 Mathematics and Computer Science of Market and Mechanism Design program. In 2023, I completed a PhD in Computer Science department at Drexel University where I was very fortunate to be advised by Vasilis Gkatzelis and to be a member of the Drexel EconCS research group. My primary research interests are algorithmic game theory and approximation algorithms. I was a Research Intern at Google (Mountain View) from June to September 2022, under the supervision of Gagan Goel. Here is my CV.
Working Papers/Under Submission
Journal Papers
Conference Papers
  • Professor - CS 618: Algorithmic Game Theory (Spring 2023)
  • Teaching Assistant - New Horizons in Theoretical Computer Science Summer School (Summer 2021)
  • Teaching Assistant - CS 521: Data Structures and Algorithms I (Fall 2020, 2021)
  • Teaching Assistant - CS 457: Data Structures and Algorithms I (Fall 2017, 2018, 2019)
  • Drexel University Outstanding Dissertation Award (2023)
  • Drexel Computer Science Department Jay Modi Memorial Award (2022)
  • Drexel Computer Science Department Leadership Award (2021)
  • Drexel College of Computing and Informatics PhD Research Excellence Award (2021)
  • Drexel College of Computing and Informatics Teaching Excellence Award (2020)
  • Drexel Computer Science Department Werner Krandick Teaching Assistant Award (2019)
  • October 2024: I co-organized the Workshop on Simplicity in Mechanism Design at DIMACS
  • June 2023: Organized a tutorial at EC 2023 on "Practical Mechanism Design and Bounded Rationality"